ACT : Change in composition of board committees:

AfroCentric Investment Corporation Limited

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

(Registration number: 1988/000570/06)

JSE Code: ACT ISIN: ZAE000078416

("AfroCentric" or the "Group")

Change in composition of board committees

Shareholders are advised of the following appointments made to the committees of the board of

directors of AfroCentric (the "Board"):

- Mr Robert Goff was appointed as an external member of the Remuneration Committee

with effect from 1 October 2023;

- Ms Kanyisa Mkhize resigned as a member of the Social and Ethics Committee effective

14 September 2023 and was appointed as a member of the Nominations Committee on

24 May 2023, and to the Investment Committee with effect from 14 September 2023; and

- Ms Marinda Dippenaar was appointed as a member of the Investment Committee with

effect from 14 September 2023


2 August 2024

JSE Sponsor to AfroCentric

Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited

Date: 02-08-2024 04:00:00

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